No Pants Required with Jen Mann
Join New York Times bestselling author of People I Want to Punch in the Throat Jen Mann as she chats up some of the most interesting people she‘s ever met on the interwebs, in elevators, and on the street. Jen hates pants and loves f-bombs. Don‘t bother her with small talk about the weather. She asks the tough questions like, ”Are you wearing pants right now?” and ”What are you even doing with your life right now?” You‘ll laugh, you‘ll cry, you‘ll be enraged, you‘re welcome.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Kristin Shaw is taking on midlife one new adventure at a time. She loves to drive fast, try new things, and write. Kristin joins Jen to talk about the lifecycle of gnats. No wait, that's a different podcast.
On this episode, Kristin and Jen cover everything from not being afraid to ask for what you want to learning how to ride a motorcycle after 40 to how cars bring her and her parents together to racing for a week across a desert with nothing but her wits and a paper map.
Follow Kristin on Twitter at @KristinVShaw.
Keep tabs on Kristin's off-road race at the Rebelle Rally.

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
James Breakwell is the funniest dad on the internet. This is according to an informal poll Jen took at the dinner table last night, but she stands by the findings. James joins Jen to talk about his collection of in-flight barf bags. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode, James and Jen cover everything from his new creative endeavors to being out-numbered in his own home (and loving it) to being a Twitter superstar to inspiring Jen to actually get off her butt and try something new (an actual miracle).
Follow James at Xploding Unicorn.

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Rachel Sobel is a force on Instagram where she entertains her rabid audience with hilarious content she creates for her channel, WhineandCheezits. She loves to podcast, make people laugh, and write. Rachel joins Jen to talk about the pros and cons of Xbox vs. Playstation. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode Rachel and Jen cover everything from censorship on the internet to the importance of protecting mental and physical health to raising mean teens to potato hate mail (yeah, you read that right).
Follow Rachel at Whine and Cheezits.

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
KJ Dell'Antonia is a New York Times bestselling author, podcaster extraordinaire, and former Motherlode editor! KJ joins Jen to talk about tax returns. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode KJ and Jen cover everything from living way too many miles away from cake to getting Reese Witherspoon's attention to that time KJ rejected Jen for the Motherlode column to setting boundaries with people via kick-ass emails.
Learn more about KJ and her brand new book IN HER BOOTS at

Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
If you send Jen an email, she'll want to put you on her podcast! That's right, folks. Today's guest is Laura Numeroff, the mega-bestselling author of the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie series of books.
Laura joins Jen to talk about the thrill of base jumping. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode, Jen and Laura cover everything from writing books on typewriters to selling over 4.5 MILLION books to the inspiration for a certain cookie-loving mouse to Laura's newest humanitarian project.
Follow Laura at

Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Jessica Buchanan is a teacher, podcaster, bestselling author, humanitarian, speaker, and survivor. Jessica joins Jen to talk about what it's like to be kidnapped by Somali pirates, held for ransom for 93 days, and then rescued by Seal Team VI. Yeah, seriously.
On this episode, Jessica and Jen cover everything from surviving impossible odds to forgiveness to writing your story to really cute law enforcement dudes.
Find out more about Jessica at her website:

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Annie Serreno is a contemporary romance author and former librarian. She loves to travel, collect books (and shoes), and haunt art museums (but in a non-ghost-like way). Annie joins Jen to talk about illegal beetle fighting. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode Annie and Jen cover everything from publishing at 62 years old to an anthropological discussion of yams to conquering fear to questioning how many exclamation points are just enough!!
Follow Annie at

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Jen Fulwiler is a hilarious stand-up comedian, bestselling author, TikTok star, and home-schooling mom of six! Jen F. joins Jen M. to answer the question "Was Jennifer the only name you could choose in the 70s for baby girls?" No wait, that's a different podcast (and session for Jen M.'s therapist). On this episode Jen and Jen cover everything from charging a comedy tour to an Amex card (while also homeschooling six kids) to betting on yourself to owning who you are to what it's like being a celebrity in Sioux Falls, SD.
Follow Jen Fulwiler at

Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Lisa Roe is the author of the mom-com novel Welcome to the Neighborhood. Lisa joins Jen to talk about K-Pop stars on TikTok. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode, Lisa and Jen cover everything from "What is mom-com?" to unusual hobbies to parenting quasi-adult children to the lengths Lisa goes to for love (spoiler alert: the story involves polar bears).
Find more at:

Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Natosha Keefer is an intuitive aura painter who captures your energetic essence and true inner self. Natosha joins Jen to talk about extreme ironing. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode Natosha and Jen cover everything from following your creative heart to finally accepting your purpose to communicating with the universe (and Natosha's cat) to what color is Jen's aura.
Follow Natosha at:

Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Jen Mann is a blogger, podcaster, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author of People I Want to Punch in the Throat. Jen joins ... herself ... to answer the question "Can an appetizer be your whole meal?" No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode Jen celebrates the 10 year anniversary of her viral hit "Overachieving Elf on the Shelf Mommies" which launched the career she'd only dreamed of.
Read the blog post at:

Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Mary Katherine Backstrom is a viral blogger, speaker, and bestselling author. MK (as her friends call her) joins Jen to answer the question "Is fishing a sport?" No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode MK and Jen cover everything from sharing her hot mess life with the world to hugging strangers to meeting Ellen (yes, that Ellen) to finding the way she balances her faith with her activism.
Follow MK at:

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Jasinda Wilder is a New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and International bestselling author (and a farmer). She lives on a farm where she writes about sexy men and strong women. Jasinda joins Jen to talk about home breweries. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode Jasinda and Jen cover everything from raising six kids during a pandemic to getting kicked out of church to buying a farm to what Amazon thinks authors do in a day (spoiler alert: they were very, very wrong).
Follow Jasinda at:

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Pamela Cannon has spent virtually her entire publishing career at Penguin Random House, first as a publicist and now as an Executive Editor. She is team cat (sorry dog people) and is a sucker for any adorable animal story. Pamela joins Jen to talk about speed boat maintenance. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode Pamela and Jen cover everything from how to become an editor to the authors she discovered in the craziest places to accidentally scaring her authors to her career-high of editing Jen Mann--oh wait, I'm being told to check my notes again. Excuse me, it says here editing Midlife Bites with Jen was really, really fine, but her career-high was editing Mel Brooks.

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Nancy Redd is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author and award-winning on-air host. She joins Jen to teach her how to make a perfect fall centerpiece from your recycling bin. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode, Nancy and Jen cover everything from just how many items can one woman hold in her bra to what Santa looks like to crafty murder mysteries.
Follow Nancy at:

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Erin Niumata has been in publishing for over twenty-six years. She is a Senior Vice President and Literary Agent at Folio Literary Management. Erin joins Jen to talk about fostering ferrets. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode Erin and Jen cover everything from "Wait, there's a genre of books called Mom-Com?" to the need for Midlife Crisis-Com to picnicking in Scotland to what no publisher EVER wants to publish.
Find Erin at:

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Michael Mackie is a writer and occasional game show TV host. He joins Jen to discuss what to pack for a day trip to Mt. Everest. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode, M2 (as he's known to his friends) and Jen cover everything from Michael's grooming habits to interviewing celebrities from the 70s and 80s to who has the bigger ego to what animal Michael thinks he most resembles.
Follow Michael at:

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Author, publisher, podcaster, champion of books, Zibby Owens joins Jen to discuss if you can still wear white after Labor Day. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode, Zibby and Jen cover everything from shaking up the publishing world to Hillary Clinton knowing your name to the art of Zooming from bed to exchanging BFF necklaces.
Follow Zibby at:

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank joins Jen to discuss the pros and cons of investing in Bitcoin. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode, Denise and Jen cover everything from finding time to write dozens of books all while raising 6 kids to how to bribe booktokkers to Denise's dead sourdough starter.
Follow Denise at:

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Deva Dalporto is a mom muddling through life one viral parody video at a time. She's wracked up millions of views on her popular YouTube channel MY LIFE SUCKERS. She joins Jen to teach her how to fold a fitted sheet. No wait, that's a different podcast. On this episode, Deva and Jen cover everything from getting the perfect filter for an Adele parody to the very real feelings of burnout to the realization middle-aged ladies have no hobbies.
Follow Deva at: